ff24.Pay - EMI license
ff24.Pay is the name of the app of the company ff24 Ventures GmbH with its registered address Uhlandstraße 165/166, Berlin 10719, Germany , company no. 191851 B.
The ff24.Pay platform is operated by ff24 Ventures GmbH with a sub-license from UAB “PAYRNET”, a company incorporated in the Republic of Lithuania (company number: 305264430) with its head office at AltSpace, Islandijos str. 6, LT-01117, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania and its registered office at Girulių str. 20, LT-12123 Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania. They are an Electronic Money Institution (“EMI”) and are authorised by the Bank of Lithuania under the Law on Electronic Money and Electronic Money Institutions (license reference 72, issued on 2020-08-28) for the issuing of electronic money and provision of the related payment services.
By using the ff24.Pay app and services, any client is accepting the terms and conditions available at all time on this website.